The work programmes detail objectives, scope, outcomes, deliverables, and budget allocations for each topic. Find all relevant documents and updates here post-adoption by the European Commission.
The current work programmes implementing DIGITAL are:
- DIGITAL Europe Amended Work Programme 2023-2024 (.pdf) + March 2024 amendment (.pdf) + September 2024 amendment (.pdf)
- DIGITAL Europe - Amended Cybersecurity Work Programme 2023-2024 (.pdf)
- DIGITAL Europe - Amended AI Factories Work Programme 2023-2024 (.pdf)
- DIGITAL Europe - Chips (managed by the Chips Joint Undertaking): Multiannual work programme for the years 2023-2027
- DIGITAL Europe - EDIH Work Programme 2021-2023 (.pdf), specifically dedicated to the European Digital Innovation Hubs
- DIGITAL Europe - High Performance Computing (managed by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking): Decision No 44/2023 Approving the Work Programme and Budget for 2024 (.pdf)
Previous work programmes:
- DIGITAL Europe Work Programme 2021-2022 (.pdf) + ANNEX (.pdf)
- DIGITAL Europe - Cybersecurity Work Programme 2021-2022 (.pdf)
- DIGITAL EUROPE - High Performance Computing : All previous work programmes and amendments
Call for proposals
- 04-07-2024 - 21-01-2025Deployment actions in the area of cybersecurity (DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-CYBER-07, 6 topics)
- 04-07-2024 - 21-11-2024Call for proposals - Cloud, data and artificial intelligence (DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-DATA-AI-07, 1 topic)
- 04-07-2024 - 21-11-2024Call for proposals - Accelerating the best use of technologies (DIGITAL-2024-BESTUSE-07, 1 topic)
- 14-05-2025Preserving Digital Foundations with eArchiving
- 20-02-2025How are eArchiving tools being used?
- 25-02-2025eArchiving in Portugal
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Big Picture
The Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) is an EU funding programme focused on bringing digital technology to businesses, citizens and public administrations.